1.0 Introduction
As provided in Sections (12) (2) (a) (b) (c) of the Universities Act Cap. 346 of the
laws of Tanzania read together with regulation 31 (2) (3) (4), the Tanzania
Commission for Universities (TCU) is mandated to coordinate admissions to
Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) in Tanzania. According to Section 5(1) (f) the
Universities Act Cap.346 grants TCU the mandate to establish transfer
procedures for students wishing to transfer from one university to another and
from one programme to another. In view of its obligation, TCU issued the new
procedures for handling the inter-university students’ transfers which were in
operation since 2016/17 academic year. The motive is to keep track for student’s
academic life cycle, to update admission status of the students and keep record of
the same in a manner that brings harmony and hereby promotes the quality
assurance of higher education system in the country.
Original announcement pdf click here2.0 Inter-University and Intra University Transfers Procedures for 2017/18
academic year.
The procedures of handling First Years transfers are as follows:
(a)Applications for transfers should be submitted in writing through the
institution to which a student wants to transfer to;
(b)Students transfer from one institution to another or programme within
institution is permissible provided that institutions shall comply with the
following conditions;
i. The programme to which transfer is sought must have empty
slots to accommodate new students;
ii. The applicant must possess the minimum entry requirements
for that particular degree programme;
iii. The student to be transferred must have been previously
selected into a degree programme;
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iv. The applicant’s admission entry points to the programme
he/she has been admitted should either be equal or above the
cut -off point to the programme for which transfer is sought.
(c) Receiving institutions should approve the transfer in writing and submit to
TCU for validation and documentation;
(d)All transfers (whether internal, external or transfer of credits) should
be submitted to TCU not later than 20th November 2017;
(e)The submission of transfers should include the following details (in excel
format); Names of student, Sex, Form Four Index number, Form Six Index
number, Diploma Number, Previous Programme Code, Previous
Programme, Previous Institution, Current Code, Current Programme,
Current Institution. Failure to provide the details a transfer will not be
 (f) All transfers which do not meet the criteria stipulated in part (b) shall be
nullified by TCU;
(g)Transfers submitted to TCU after the deadline will not be endorsed;
(h)The list of endorsed transfers shall be published into TCU website; and
(i) All transfers endorsed by the Commission will be submitted to HESLB by
30th November 2017 for their appropriate action.

NB: TCU wishes to inform the HLIs and the prospective students to abide to
the set transfer procedures for the smooth coordination of transfers. 

Original announcement pdf click here


Machapisho Maarufu